
  • Zaporozhye State Engineering Academy
  • Zaporozhye State Engineering Academy
  • Zaporozhye State Engineering Academy
  • Zaporozhye State Engineering Academy


Operational objective information for the service staff is very important task. Receiving objective information for service chief power rather important task. The use of waste resources to improve water recycle enterprise usually important task. To solve the current problem is quite advisable to implement an integrated water supply system. Innovation of the expansion of industrial infrastructure for the use of industrial waste water (treatment locally) and create supporting recreational, agricultural or construction units. This will facilitate the development prospects of the company, and sometimes reduce the cost of the product due to the diversification of the commodity line. Historically, water systems are managed fragmented across geographical and functional across local, regional, state agencies responsible for water planning and development. The implementation of water reuse is complicated by the usual division of responsibilities for water and sanitation in some institutions. The recovered water and reuse it defies categorization lack of wastewater management concepts. Typically, water and sanitation are interconnected within the hydrological cycle and affecting the quantity and quality of water available to meet social and environmental needs. In recognition of the complex nature of the water system and the need for its greater stability, water agencies are increasingly taking planning model as a whole.

Keywords: sediments, sensors, active oxygen, thermal conductivity, re use water, efficiency, pipelines, competitive, cost, preferences.

Author Biographies

, Zaporozhye State Engineering Academy

доцент кафедри Теплоенергетики, к.т.н., керівник Лабораторії Енергоефективних технологій ЗДІА

, Zaporozhye State Engineering Academy

доцент кафедри Теплоенергетики, к.т.н.

, Zaporozhye State Engineering Academy

старший викладач кафедри Теплоенергетики

, Zaporozhye State Engineering Academy

магістрант кафедри Теплоенергетики



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How to Cite

, , , & . (2017). INTEGRATION OF WATER UTILITIES AT COMUNAL AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES. Municipal Economy of Cities, (134), 41–46. Retrieved from