
  • Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture


The article deals with a method of SWOT-analysis, its essence and main elements in the general scientific context. The history of this method and its advantages are represented. It is proposed to use the method of SWOT-analysis as a research method in architecture. On the basis of SWOT-analysis using a particular object as an example, strengths and weaknesses of adaptive architectural objects and factors that may facilitate or hinder the development of adaptability ideas in Ukraine are determined.

As a typical example for research, a project of Ukrainian Bureau 2bgroup CONTAINER23 has been selected. Its basic concept is a collapsible design with the use of prefabricated structures from shipping containers. Advantages and possible disadvantages of adaptive architectural solutions are defined. Among the advantages are:

variability and versatility; ability of multivariate space / volume configuration; energy efficiency; aesthetics; continuation of architectural objects lifespan. However adaptive architectural objects can have the following weaknesses: price (sufficiently high construction cost, but generally speaking it is a characteristic of all innovative products); reliability (structural elements may be less durable by comparison with the building itself).

The article also focuses on the analysis of barriers and incentives for the development of adaptive architectural objects. The necessity of creating compulsory incentives is shown.

At the final stage the forecast for the development of adaptive architecture in Ukraine and abroad is made.

Keywords: modern adaptive architecture, adaptive architectural objects, SWOT-analysis, development prospects, influencing factors, innovative constructive solutions, advanced technologies, strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

Author Biography

, Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture

аспірантка кафедри дизайну архітектурного середовища



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How to Cite

(2017). SWOT-ANALYSIS AS A METHOD OF RESEARCHING PROSPECTS FOR ADAPTIVE ARCHITECTURE DEVELOPMENT. Municipal Economy of Cities, (135), 74–79. Retrieved from https://khg.kname.edu.ua/index.php/khg/article/view/5030