

The paper presents the conceptual difference between domestic and foreign experience of formation of development strategies of transport systems, as well as their similarities. Proposed basic strategic directions of development of transport system of Ukraine, contributing to the creation of an effective and competitive transport system. The basic principles of reformation of the transport infrastructure in Europe. Intense road freight transport causes rapid deterioration of the roadway, air pollution, restricts freedom of movement and creates a threat to traffic safety. To solve this problem, it is proposed to develop auto-river and auto-rail intermodal transportation.The advantageous geographical position of Ukraine makes it possible to continue to receive significant revenues from the export of transport services, including from carrying out transit transportations of foreign countries with the help of their communications.European integration is one of the main policy priorities of Ukraine. With the aim of creating favourable conditions for the integration faster to develop transport and transport system of Ukraine needs to be given to the requirements of the European Union. Today the transport sector of economy of Ukraine in General meets only the basic needs of economy and population in transport. The level of security, quality indicators and efficiency of traffic of passengers and freight, energy efficiency, industrial load on the environment does not meet most international requirements.The transport system in Ukraine should change the direction of development that has been used in recent years.The main strategic directions of development are the formation of the structure of the main targets of the transport strategy, goals, priorities, tasks and mechanisms for its implementation.Keywords: transport strategy development, transport, road safety, environmental


Author Biographies

, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

кандидат технічних наук, доцент

, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

кандидат технічних наук, доцент



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How to Cite

, & . (2018). THEORETICAL BASES OF FORMATION OF DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES OF TRANSPORT SYSTEMS. Municipal Economy of Cities, (142), 91–95. Retrieved from