

The relevance of the presented work studies is determined by their focus on improving the reliability and improve operational parameters of the facilities of new technology, operating in conditions of intensive mechanical loads. The questions test facilities for vibration reliability on the basis of multi-axis systems power principle, taking into account ergonomic requirements.

It is established that the analyzed test system, built on the basis of the power of vibration and belong to the class of multidimensional control systems with varying parameters.

It is shown that the developed block diagram of a system for vibration testing reliability should include the formation subsystem parameter vector of excitation forces platform, playback and measurement.

The resulting equations that determine the parameters of the force excitation of the platform that allow a special resonant tuning of the elastic suspension elements of the stand. In terms of the variation of the coefficient of relative damping set numerical values of the levels of reduction of coherence of the oscillations of the platform using the corner coordinates by the sum-frequency excitation.

          Keywords: power vibration table test system, ergonomic requirements, connectivity fluctuations between linear and angular coordinates, resonant tuning.

Author Biographies

, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkov, Ukraine

доктор технічних наук, професор, завідувач


, A. A. Morozov State enterprise "KMDB”, Ukraine

начальник лабораторії



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How to Cite

, & . (2018). TEST FACILITIES FOR VIBRATION RELIABILITY ON THE BASIS OF POWER FOR MULTI-AXIS SYSTEMS WITH CONSIDERATION OF ERGONOMIC REQUIREMENTS. Municipal Economy of Cities, (139), 15–21. Retrieved from https://khg.kname.edu.ua/index.php/khg/article/view/5094

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