

The article analyzes the current condition and perspectives of solar energetics in Ukraine The basic architectural methods of placing solar elements in public buildings and examples of integration into existing time-varying objects are determined. The purpose is to install simple elements with the prospect of merging them into autonomous solar power plants (SPS) within the existing complexes. Such integration requires much more multidisciplinary researches and special scientific, design and practical intelligence that Shuldan L.O. combines into the method of dynamic monitoring. On the example of the Lviv Regional Clinical Hospital the step-by-step research for the practical implementation of SPS in such public complexes is shown. The First stage - energetic - is energy surveys and energy audits conducting. The second stage - urban planning and architectural, where the architectural or historical value of each building and complex is explored and the compliance with the norms, restrictions and the possibility of using certain techniques of "solar design" are determined. The Third stage includes a survey of the constructive state of buildings, the study of climatic and microclimatic data, the study of the functioning features of the components and the complex as a whole. At IV stage, the distribution of the object`s role in the placed solar elements and the development of the general plan scheme is taking place. The Fifth- is devoted to the areas estimation and to useful space calculation with confirmation of their application expediency  as well as to placement of rechargeable storage and distribution components of SPS. Dynamic monitoring of the complex territory and its buildings has revealed the possibility of integrating solar panels on a total area of 4541.2 m². This will provide from 7 to 12% (depending on solar panels) of the total electrical consumption of the hospital. The construction of solar power plants (SES) is the most promising way to provide electricity from alternative sources of important social facilities.

Keywords: energy saving, solar power plants, architecture, urban planning, energy efficience, public buildings, complexes.

Author Biographies

, Lviv Polytechnic National University

кандидат архітектури, доцент, доцент кафедри архітектурного проектування та інженерії

, Lviv Polytechnic National University

студентка кафедри архітектурного проектування та інженерії



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How to Cite

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