The aim of this work is the change in consumption of network water in the transition to a two-pipe scheme in view of the possible insulation of buildings, provided that in the original version adoptively installation connected to heat networks in two-stage sequential scheme. The choice of a transition strategy depends on a number of factors: the characteristics of the hydraulic mode of networks and the degree of wear, the magnitude of the thermal loads, the characteristics of the hydraulic regime adopted in the original version of a heat supply of microdistrict circuits of Association of heat exchangers hot water. On the basis of the decision of the heat balance equations for heat exchangers hot water, attached to a heating system for a two-step mixed circuit, and a heating heat exchanger equations to determine the flow of the water. The equations allow us to perform calculations with consideration of the thermal insulation of buildings. It is shown that the transition to a two-pipe scheme of heat supply of residential groups shall be preceded by additional insulation of buildings. This reduces the amount of water network for heating buildings and in some cases allows you to make the switch without replacing the piping of the heating system is original.
Keywords: Central heating unit, a heat exchanger, the coolant flow.
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