
  • Kharkiv national university of construction and architecture
  • Kharkiv national university of construction and architecture


A key problem is evaluation and prognosis of industry potential of development organisation and grounding efficiency criteria on all steps from tenders on contractor’s selection and closing construction contracts which contains such documents as: schedule, development funding plan in operating year, schedule of transfers of design documentations.

 Terms and funding development problem solved in conditions of incongruence between negative risk factors and actual recourses in forms of insurance storages.

In current work method of probable constructions schedule is proposed which allows its correction.

Approbation of proposed model in realization of development projects helps to increase their efficiency during all terms of development process.

Keywords: development, project, price, efficiency, risks, schedule, methodology.

Author Biographies

, Kharkiv national university of construction and architecture

кандидат економічних наук, професор, професор кафедри

, Kharkiv national university of construction and architecture

Кандидат технічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри



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How to Cite

, & . (2018). PLANNING TERMS AND PRICES IN DEVELOPMENT CONTRACTS FOR OBJECT OF BUILDING INDUSTRY. Municipal Economy of Cities, (141), 2–5. Retrieved from