


natural conditions of the deserts, moisture-saturated air, vlagoreguliruyuschie unit housing development,


This article proposes a project of spatial urban planning solutions, providing a successful return on investment in the comfortable development of deserts. If the projects of desert development at the present stage of mankind's development include investments huge funds, just for the annual maintenance of which requires more than ten trillion dollars, the investment in this project , the Central part of which is solved in a unique spheroid shape, designed for seismic loads up to 9 points are for the city, can accommodate more than twenty thousand inhabitants, up to ten billion euros, paid by the tenants (as evidenced by the business plan of the project), depreciation of equipment which is repaid at the expense of depreciation funds.

This project provides for a wide range of operation. On the one hand, technologically, it is a system of providing drinking water to residential complexes with all household problems and life support for vegetation inside residential structures. Economically, according to business plan calculations, buyers pay for the whole complex of residential premises and premises serving their public organizations, and most importantly - technological objects for obtaining fresh water from atmospheric air (with subsequent processing for food consumption). At the same time full repayment of cost (taking into account equipment wear) is carried out at the expense of depreciation funds. This version of the project can give investors a profit (for the seventh year from the beginning of the project development) of up to 110% of the invested funds. At the same time, a significant number of maintenance personnel do not require participation in the project. On the other hand (with other options), technologically, it is a system of industrial production of fresh water from atmospheric air for large-scale supply of drinking water to the population in desert regions. The system is also provided for watering trees within residential areas and parks, and for watering vegetation along road routes and highways in arid areas. Depending on the technological option used, this system can give up to 14.5 thousand cubic meters of water per day. This version of the project can give investors profit (for the seventh year from the beginning of the project development) and for the fifteenth year of operation give up to 700% of the invested funds.

Author Biography

V. Chernov, Harkov National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture

member of the Union of Architects, winner of the Grand Prix of Ukraine in 1995, director of LLC "Santek-SK", chief architect of projects


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How to Cite

Chernov, V. (2019). “VLAGOTRON” - DESERT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT: Array. Municipal Economy of Cities, 6(152), 164–178. Retrieved from https://khg.kname.edu.ua/index.php/khg/article/view/5509