
  • Харьковский национальный автомобильно-дорожный университет
  • Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University


The study presents the results of forming a rational warehouse system at trade enterprises. When creating a warehouse system, it is necessary to determine the number of levels in the warehousing system that will ensure minimum delivery costs. The main source of information for determining the number of levels in the warehouse system is to use the costs of providing warehouses at cargo delivery from the central warehouse to the lower storehouses, the costs for delivery from the supplier to the central warehouse, costs for direct delivery from the supplier to the consumer. On the basis of comparative evaluation there was made a solution.  The cost of ensuring the delivery of cargo to the warehouse system of the "Logistic-Auto Plus" company is considered in the presence and absence of an intermediate warehouse in Kharkiv. The optimum system of a warehouse complex at the enterprise is defined at presence of five suppliers from various cities of Ukraine.

Keywords: warehouse, one-stage warehouse system, key depot, transportation.

Author Biography

, Харьковский национальный автомобильно-дорожный университет

кандидат технічних наук, доцент



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How to Cite

, & . (2017). STUDY OF THE PROBLEM OF WAREHOUSE SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT. Municipal Economy of Cities, (134), 104–107. Retrieved from

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