


The sequence of transformation of paper-based cartographic material of any size into raster substrate with further processing and assigning to it the coordinate system is considered. The sequence of construction of the digital model of the relief and the situation on the basis of the preliminary created raster substrate is presented. The methods of transformation of raster images, construction of situational elements of a complex form and means of editing of a digital model of relief are explained. The functional capabilities of the software complexes "Transform" and "Credo TOPOPLAN" are presented.

The presented method of transforming a map into a digital terrain model allows you to save: graphic accuracy (preservation of all the details of the original map), general information (name of the map section and settlements located on its area), structural information (description of the relationship between objects), coordinate systems and properties of all objects.

The basis for constructing a digital terrain model based on existing paper cartographic material is a raster substrate. The raster substrate is created as a result of scanning a paper card with further processing in the software complex Transform. Transform allows you to combine any number of scanned image maps. A digital terrain model is created on the basis of the raster substrate in the Credo software system. Separately, a digital model of relief and a digital model of the situation are being built. All elements of the situation are divided into point, line and plane. To construct a plane element of a situation, it is necessary first to construct the geometric contour of the plane conditional sign in accordance with the image on the raster substrate. After constructing the contour of the plane element of the situation with the classifier, select the appropriate properties and signatures for the conditional mark.

The considered sequence of work is fairly simple and allows you to save and without corruption and corruption store paper cartographic materials. In addition, this approach allows designers to use automated design systems in solving any problems in the case of the availability of raw data in the form of a paper card, which will significantly simplify the complexity of work, reduce the duration of its implementation and improve the quality of design results.

Keywords: cartographic material, raster substrate, digital model of terrain, relief, situation, transformation.

Author Biography

, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University

кандидат технічних наук, доцент кафедри проектування доріг, геодезії і землеустрою



How to Cite

(2018). CONVERT PAPER CARD IN A DIGITAL TERRAIN MODEL: Array. Municipal Economy of Cities, 7(146), 214–217. Retrieved from