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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • This article has not been previously published and has not been submitted for review and publication in another journal (otherwise explain it in the Notes for Editors).
  • Material is presented in the format of OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF or WordPerfect.
  • Internet links are presented as a full URL references.
  • Text is consistent with stylistic and bibliographic requirements of the Guidelines for Authors, located under "About Us."

Author Guidelines

To submit an article for publication, the author can use one of the convenient means:

  • Send to email:
  • Submit an article on-line via the platform OJS (Open journal systems)
  • Come to the editor at room 362 administrative building, 17, Marshala Bazhanova Street, Kharkiv.

Please provide the following documents:

1. The text of the article with the fulfillment of all requirements for registration.

2. Information about the authors. See the example of information about the author below). 

3. Recommendation for printing by doctors of technical, economic sciences or architecture.

After confirming the approval of the article, the author's letter will be sent information about the payment of the fee, in the amount of UAH 65, and the template of the license agreement. After payment it is necessary to send a copy of the paid registration fee. Files sent by e-mail must be indicated by the example: Stattya_Petrenko, Zayavka_Petrenko, Chek_Petrenko.

Requirements for typing
Requested and submitted manuscripts should be:

Sheet format: A4 (21.0 cm × 29.7 cm).

Adjusting the page (deviation from the side): left - 2.25 cm; right - 2.25 cm; top - 2 cm; from the bottom - 2,5 cm

Font of the article: Times New Roman; forms - straight lines; size - 10 pt, line spacing (multiplier) - 1.1.

Volume of manuscript from 5 sheets

Language: Ukrainian, English

Subtitle (size - 12 pt): font - bold; no indentation; center alignment; top and bottom are separated by 6 dots.

The full text, located in two columns of equal width - 8 cm, the distance between the columns - 0.5 cm; The indent of the first line of the paragraph is 0.75 cm; alignment in width.

Do not use text formatting spaces, tabs, etc. Do not install the migration manually, do not use headers or footers. Between the values and the units of measurement, an indissoluble pass is placed (Ctrl + Shift + space).

According to the resolution of the Supreme Arbitration Court of Ukraine of January 15, 2003, No. 7-05 / 1, the article should have the following structure: the definition of the problem in general terms and its connection with scientific and practical problems; Analysis of recent research and publications used by the author; statement of the problem (task); a brief summary of the main research and explanation of scientific results; conclusions of research and recommendations for further research in this direction.

The text of the article can be divided into sections with corresponding subheadings in bold.

On the last sheet of paper, after the reference list, the information of the author and the translation of the title of the article, the authors' names, theses and keywords in Ukrainian, Russian and English languages (except for the main text of the article) are presented, for example (9 pt, line spacing - 1 , 0).


Ph.D. assistant professor
O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

E-mail - kim@іс.уа

ORDER ID:_________


І. Vasjuchenko

The original text of the annotation. Not translation.

Keywords: list of keywords.


1.Wealth to the name statti:
Not more than 10 слів, не містить абревіатур, strictly відповідає змісту статті
2. Wimogs up to the anotacies of Ukraine:
Not less than 35 sliv ta not more than 50 sliv, do not hide abreviations
3.Weight before anotaciju English:
Not less than 250 sliv ta not more than 500 sliv, do not hide abreviations
4.Weights to key accounts
Do not bolshe 10 sliv (sliv, not golospolucen), do not list the abstracts, be led to a nasivnomu vidminku, rozdileny coma
5.Weight before the formulation of formulas
For the set of formulas, the formula editor MathType is displayed.
Attention to the formula in the text, the wiggles (1), (2-4).
The formula has been numbered.
Вирівнювання numbering on the right.
The formula is a part of the text, then the word is guilty of the standing of the symbols: the symbol is given to the new rechenne, then the clay; yakshcho dali yde roz'yasnennya, then a coma.
6.Weights before drawing
Do not tolerate kolorovі ta backgroundy figures (magazine drukuєtsya at chorno-bilomu kolorі).
Figures are submitted in JPG format.
Before the drawing, in text, obovjazyakovo, go to the mallies of the species fig. 1, Fig. 2-4, Fig. 5.
Figures obovyazyako sferrovuzhuyutsya tsentrovaniem pidrisunkovymi pidpisami (kegl - 10).
Picture of the picture of the wiggly - Fig. 1. The name of the picture.
Yaksho in the picture is presented by the depth of the graph, then in the pen up to the malinka, all the signs are compiled, including the axes of coordinates.
Allowed to rytashuvannya great drawings, formulas and tables in one column (up to 16.5 cm).
7.Weight before the decoration of the table
Before the table in text, obovjazyakovo dde posilannya on the table type tab. 1, Table. 2-4, tab. 5.
Table header (10 pins) - obovyazyviy.
Підпис таблиці має вигляд - Table 1. The name of the table.
Do not allow yourself to empty the table in the table.
Roztashuvannya tables are strictly vertical.
Yaksho at Vashomu dokumenti table spread on kilka storinok, neobhіdno vkazati "Prodovzhennya tabliyi 1", nazvu tablitsi not potrybno!
8.Weathers before the decoration, you can visit the Literary Gyre in text
Posilannya on literalnі джерела малють вигляд [1], [2 - 6], [1, 2, 6].
Posilannya povinni go in order їх zagduvannya in stati.
At the all-literary dzherela, are guided in the growth Literature, posilannya povinni buti in the text statti obovyazyakovo.
9.Weas to the decorated list of dzherel at rozdіlі Literature
The list of literature is viewed by a pidzagalovkom "Literature" that is made out (kegl - 9 pt, italics) zgіdno z mіzhderavnim standard DSTU GOST 7.1: 2006.
Dzherel guilty bouti not less than 10.
At the list of posilan guilty bouti not less than 6 on the earthly dzherela.
The list posilan unacceptable vikoristanna GOSTіv ta zagolonatsionalnyh standard.
Відсоткове співвідношення самоцитування - не більше 30% (тобто якщо Ви використали 10 посилань, з них може бути не більше 3 на Ваші роботи).
10.Vimogi before the list of Literature English (References)
The list of literary works, the design of the movable stati, the rewriting of English
11.Weights before the anotacies of English
Volume - at least 1800 characters.
Informative (do not include general words)

Originality (not the calka of the growth of anonymity)
Змістовність (відобрабрає base зміст статті і результатыі досліджень)
Structuredness (logistic description of the results in stati).
12.Wealth before the registration of the ads about the authors
For the skinny author (to be registered in the Ukrainian English):
ПІБ повністю
Zvannya, posada
University Addresses
 E-mail address
 Contact phone number
 Кількість публікацій in the Ukrainian Vidane (approximate)
 Кількість публікацій віноземних індексованих виданнях (приблизне)
 Індекс Хірша (за наявності)
13.Weight before the recommendation for printing
Recommendation for printing of guilt:
1. Povna nazva statti, posada of the author statti, P.I.B. author.
2. The stylistics describe the problems, yakiy is privychena stattya.
3. Ступінь актуальності наданої статті.
4. Naybіlsh important aspects, invented by the author in stati.
5. Recommendations to the public.
6. Vchena zvannya, vtseny stupin, posada, misse roboti, P.I.B. the person giving the recommendation for printing, signet, piсpis.

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The names and e-mail addresses entered on this journal site will be used solely for the stated purposes of the journal and will not be available to any other purpose or third parties.