
  • Т. И. Каржинерова Харьковский национальный университет строительства и архитектуры, Харьков
  • А. П. Броневицкий ТОВ «Інтербуд – АС», м. Київ
  • Е. Г. Каржинерова Харьковский национальный университет строительства и архитектуры, Харьков


In the article factors are considered and reasons, defiant destruction of foundations, an order is the realizations of repair -restoration works, related to it the accepted technological and organizational decisions and also modern methods of r enewal of foundations at the reconstruction of dwellings and public building   
Design to strengthen the foundations are almost always much more difficult the design of new structures. At the design stage, and in the works shall be provided measures to avoid  the possibility of deformation, fracture in the part of the foundations and walls that are beyond repair and restoration, as well as to prevent violations of inputs underground utilities in the building.
All materials for repairs to restore the foundation  and waterproofing to the strength, frost and other quality indicators must comply with the instructions of the project. Before starting work on the reconstruction of the foundations must be identified and eliminated the causes of the destruction of the foundations:
Reconstruction and repair of foundations should be possible to mechanize. The choice of mechanisms, pneumatic and electric tools produced by the volume of repair works, performance mechanisms, terms of use mechanisms. Theoretical study several ways to strengthen the foundations. These methods are given in this article. 
The conclusions that the ways, to restore the foundations of industrial and civil buildings are the basis in the conservation and use of architectural and historical heritage of the city.
Keywords: reconstruction, foundations, reasons, destruction, durability, frost-resistance, waterproofing, foundation, repair-restoration works



How to Cite

, , & . (2015). METHODS OF RENEWAL OF FOUNDATIONS AT RECONSTRUCTION OF BUILDING. Municipal Economy of Cities, (120), 39–44. Retrieved from