
  • С. С. Душкин Харьковский национальный университет городского хозяйства им О.М. Бекетова
  • А. Н. Назаренко Запорожская государственная инженерная академия
  • Е. А. Юхневич Запорожская государственная инженерная академия


This article is to improve the regulation of the calcium carbonate-balance by determining the actual state of the power of communication and issuing recommendations on the water chemistry of the metallurgical, and other power equipment. The work included bringing together different areas of regulation carbonate equilibrium in circulating water to regulate the undrained enterprises to improve energy efficiency of enterprises and offer a methodological approach in the optimal management of natural resources expense derived technological and economic models of economic regulation.
Status  of water chemistry  at the enterprises  largely depends on the ecological situation  of water collection basin.  Conglomerate of enterprises in different directions and technological chains complicate the process of assimilation of wastewater discharges and complicates the process of mixing of various homogeneous and heterogeneous solutions.  In this connection, the pressing is a constant monitoring of water-chemical mode of all enterprises.Surely,  the tool control fairly trim the event in the main relevant environmental and energy issue will optimize carbonate calcite equilibrium revolving cycles in terms of improved environmental performance of the enterprise. The use of automated information systems, based on the methods of simulation, allows you to quickly prognose the optimal solution for the use of water resources in the region.
The purpose of regulation is to improve the quality of water of any river basin in accordance with the realistic state of water-chemical conditions of the enterprise (AIS). The work is combining different areas of regulation of water chemistry in industry, housing and agriculture through a balanced management of natural resources expense derived technological models.
Key words: water hardness, analytics, water samples, the thickness of  sediments,  salinity, norms,  pipelines, law, monіtoring, electronic database, energy efficiency



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How to Cite

, , & . (2015). STATUS OF CARBONATE-CALCIUM WATER CIRCULATING SYSTEM AT BLAST FURNACE GAS CLEANING. Municipal Economy of Cities, (121), 26–30. Retrieved from

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