

In this paper some reasons of the traffic rules violation by pedestrians while crossing controlled crossroads of various types were analyzed. It was found that on average about 20% of pedestrians violated the safe transition rules, with approximately equal number of men and women among them. It was shown that the share of pedestrians who violated the traffic rules decreases with the increasing number of traffic lanes, which is probably related to the increased danger.
The results obtained were discussed from the point of view of human factor influence as well as from the traffic organization perspective. One of the reasons of rules violation is low level of culture of pedestrians. The famous “crowd effect” when one pedestrian crossing the road with red traffic light on initiates a massive movement of others was also observed. In some cases a psychophysiological state of pedestrians was the cause of rules violation.
It was revealed that unsuccessful approaches to transport and pedestrians traffic organization often provoke the rules violation. Among them: the discrepancy in red/green traffic light duration in correlation with the real traffic flow and absence of the light-switching "indicator"s in the majority of cases; unreasonable pedestrian crossings placement; lack of a comprehensive approach in pedestrian crossings location in correspondence to public transport stops arrangement, settlement of objects providing various municipal services, trade facilities, etc. The absence of negative consequences for pedestrians in case of rules violation reinforces the habit of such violations in the future. So even disapproval from other pedestrians is appropriate in such cases and may contribute to the formation of the elements of cultural behavior while being a participant of the city traffic.
Keywords: pedestrians safety, traffic accident, traffic, controlled crossroads, human factor.



How to Cite

, , & . (2016). PECULIARITIES OF THE TRAFFIC SAFETY IN THE CITIES. Municipal Economy of Cities, (120’1), 217–220. Retrieved from