
  • M. I. Bratakh
  • I. M. Ruzina
  • D. E. Dobrunov
  • V. V. Romanova
  • Husein Dandash


The primary problematic issue represented as basic idea of the article is the gradual drop of reservoir pressure, which, following the decrease of pressure gradient between the reservoir and the well head pressure, results in the deterioration of the production rate of the well. This problem was solved by the authors in the following ways: by engaging an additional consumer for the low-pressure gas, by introducing compressors providing for adjustment of pressure at inputs to aggregates. These ways was considered based on a practical example of the “mature” field – Shebelyns`ke gas-condensate field. The algorithm of the drop of pressure evaluation is presented taking into account factors typically attended by withdrawal off the formation of liquid and solid deposits, which accumulate in the gas-gathering system, causing reduction of the hydraulic efficiency and capacity of gas pipelines; which, in its turn, requires further implementation of certain applications for pipeline pigging and utilization of deposits after these operations. It is noteworthy that the question of solving the problem of development of depleted fields shall sooner or later become urgent for the majority of countries engaged in the gas production; therefore, the specialists already regard as a perspective line to substantiate the operation modes for fields of low operating pressure going through the final stage of development. Another important note is that the approach to solving such problematic issues at the final stage of development of a field is of comprehensive and systematic nature, thus combining the major constituents comprising the process of gas extraction and transportation.
Keywords: gas, production, well, manifold, liquid, deposits, pipeline, specific, volume.




How to Cite

Bratakh, M. I., Ruzina, I. M., Dobrunov, D. E., Romanova, V. V., & Dandash, H. (2017). OPTIMIZATION OF “MATURE” GAS FIELD DEVELOPMENT. Municipal Economy of Cities, (132), 69–75. Retrieved from https://khg.kname.edu.ua/index.php/khg/article/view/4912