As the criteria to evaluate the ergonomic support of traffic conditions, entropy characteristics are suggested being applied, which provide the possibility to estimate the influence of all factors of the road environment on a driver. To investigate the ‘driver – car – road environment’ system under different conditions, it is proposed to take into consideration its state in certain ranges of values under which the maximum entropy remains the same. Therefore, the dependence of the driver’s functional characteristics on the relative organization of the visual field is estimated by the gradation of the maximum entropy values. The analysis of the relation between the indicators of a driver’s functional state and the relative organization of a driver’s visual field has been carried out, which makes possible to determine its optimal value, under which a driver’s state is normal or a driver is in the zone of comfort. As it has also been discovered, the optimal number of the road environment factors within the visual field and which do not cause the driver’s tension is equal to eight.
Keywords: driver, traffic conditions, road environment, functional status, interaction with the environment.
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