Tо the article gives a detailed analysis of the theoretical dependence of the coefficient of dynamic classes of concrete and reinforcement classes for the two cases: when otnositelnye strains of compression concrete εс1;otnositelnye ultimate compression strain of concrete εсu1. Accented by the method of calculation of the dynamic factor with the factor of plasticity. The identified feature changes of the dynamic loadings with increasing grades of concrete and reinforcement classes in the case of progressive collapse. The increase of concrete leads to an increase of the dynamic factor that adversely affects the development effort in case of progressive collapse, there is a gradual growth of dynamic factor with the increase of the concrete class from 1.18 to 1.44 if class of reinforcement A240 and of 1.34 to 1.98 when the rebars grade C32/40. Marked feature of the development of plastic deformation, which consists in taking into account the full diagram of deformation of concrete leading to significant reduction of dynamic factor: for concrete grade C32/40 - from 1,98 to 1.45; for concrete class C12/15 - from 1,34 to 1.1. A more rational should be considered a class A400.
Keywords: coefficient dynamic, coefficient of plasticity, progressive collapse.
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