
  • Л. В. Гапонова O.M.Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv
  • П. А. Резник O.M.Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv


The conduct of a new type of architectural and construction system "Monophant" from a joint action of vertical loads and on heating under the standard fire regime was carried out. The temperature fields for the height of the section are obtained for all limits of fire resistance. An algorithm is proposed that takes into account the transformation of the design schemes depending on the temperature and overpressure in the cavities of the insulation. The construction of the mathematical model of the processes under consideration was preceded by a numerical study of the effect of deformations of the inner layer (heater) on the temperature distribution in the monocoque outer reinforced concrete shell.

Under the influence of temperature, changes were made in the shape of the expanded polystyrene liner and the transition of its materials to the liquid and gaseous state.

In the PC "Lira-Sapr", an analysis of the  KE model on the combined action of its own weight, payloads and the temperature distribution obtained earlier was carried out. An algorithm for determining the load-bearing capacity of a structurally anisotropic slab is suggested by the deformation method of calculation.

Keywords: fire, stove, numerous studies.

Author Biographies

Л. В. Гапонова, O.M.Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

канд. техн.наук, доцент, доцент кафедры строительных конструкций 

П. А. Резник, O.M.Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

канд. техн.наук, старший преподаватель кафедры строительных конструкций 



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How to Cite

, & . (2017). OF FIRE RESISTANCE OF PLATE OF ARCHITECTURAL-BUILDING SYSTEM «MONOFANT». Municipal Economy of Cities, (135), 18–22. Retrieved from https://khg.kname.edu.ua/index.php/khg/article/view/5019

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