

This article is devoted to the issue of forming and attracting sources of financing for projects of municipalities. The types of budgets of municipalities are determined depending on the purposes of using the funds.

The sequence of involvement of sources of formation and attraction of resources with the purpose of ensuring the effective functioning of the municipality is proposed and justified.

The role of the moment when the production asset was put into operation in the formation of the municipality resource base is determined.

An optimal form of fixing the results of calculating the minimum aggregate expenditures for securing the priority needs of the municipality is proposed.

The role of the association of municipalities, as well as the unification or creation of joint ventures, in financial support for the functioning of each municipality-member of the association is defined.

Priority of attraction of private resources in relation to state resources is determined and justified, sources of attraction of private resources are determined.

Keywords: starting complex, common ownership of municipalities, budget of ensuring.

Author Biography

, O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, Ukraine

асистент кафедри



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How to Cite

(2017). ENSURING SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF MUNICIPALITIES. Municipal Economy of Cities, (138), 48–51. Retrieved from https://khg.kname.edu.ua/index.php/khg/article/view/5089