The conditions of forming distribution of routes among stopping points of the transport-transplantation terminal of urban public passenger transport from the point of view of its influence on the service and resource indicators of vehicle servicing are determined.
The object of the research is the process of passing of the vehicles of routes of urban public passenger transport through the transport-transplantation terminal.
The article proposes to consider the procedure of distribution of routes among stopping points on the basis of the principle of self-organization which involves the search for an equilibrium state of loading of the ways of passing the transport-transplantation terminal. The presented models of determining the rational distribution combination of fixing routes are based on the description of the rank evaluation of the rating of compliance of the subjects of interaction conditions for ensuring their equilibrium resource status.
Investigation of the process of formation of the equilibrium state of ways of passing from the position of assessing the resource criticality of the subjects of interaction allowed to identify the conditions for reducing their conflict.
Keywords: transport-transplantation terminal, urban public passenger transport, distribution of routes, stopping point.
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