In the practice of reinforcing the brick walls of buildings, wide use is made of battens made of steel rolling profiles - usually corners or channel bars and strands - of steel rods. When tensioning the reinforcement bars, it is generally considered acceptable to create such a force in the rod, when the stresses in it approach the yield point.
It is not always possible to perform such a large enough tension, because there is a destruction of the brickwork in the contact zone of profiles that transmit force to the masonry. Reduction of the tension force of the rods (strands) is unacceptable, in view of the impossibility of including these strands in joint work with masonry
The technique of determining the tension forces of reinforcing bandages of brick buildings is given, in which, on the one hand, the bands of the bandage are switched on, and on the other hand, the walling strength is secured in places where tension is transmitted to them. An example is given of determining the tensile force of strands for a certain grade of brick and mortar solution.
Keywords: trouble-free operation, tension forces, bandages, brick walls.
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