The analysis of resources, which are the basis for functioning of micro-, meso- and macro-levels` complex systems was conducted in the study. It was shown that the available resources do not always allow to fully satisfy people's needs and desires.
It was proved that the problem of resource provision management of the process of vital, socially significant goods and services (benefits) granting deserves special attention. United territorial communities, and housing and utilities sector were selected as study objects.
It was demonstrated that amid current conditions of decentralization resource potential management (resources that are in possession or disposal) and the level of its rational, effective use are the factors of capable united territorial communities’ formation.
Private, social and mixed goods were analyzed. Special attention was paid to the management of public goods. The expediency of using the theory of "club" goods when constructing the model of complex systems` management, such as a united territorial community and housing and utilities sector, was proved.
It was shown that a community, as a structure or any organization, has a certain life cycle. It was proved that a community must be not only capable, but also has to develop dynamically. Thus, it is necessary to carry out periodic administrative influence in order to maintain the sustainability of its functioning. Among the measures of such impact, it is possible to offer elements of reengineering of its organizational structure. Similarly, it is possible to simulate management of housing and utilities sector.
It was proved that the theory of "club" goods implementation would create conditions for their effective development by managing the size of the “club” and the resources available and the goods produced to meet the needs of consumers. The tool for managing the optimal number of members of united territorial communities` and associations of co-owners of multi-apartment buildings` social and economic systems in the housing and utilities sector, as consumers of the club's good was proposed.
The mathematical model of the life cycle of a complex system as a periodic wavelike process was constructed.
The expediency of conducting periodic organizational and managerial changes using integration mechanisms of mergers, affiliation and acquisitions with the creation of associations was proved. This will maximize economic benefits of a complex system due to organizational changes.
Keywords: resource provision, financial requirements, complex system, the theory of "club" goods, united territorial community, association of co-owners of a multi-apartment house, housing and utilities sector.References
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