The research paper analyzes the relationship between stylistic peculiarities and innovative solutions of public buildings of Kyiv in the 1960’s-1980’s with similar buildings of the 20’s and 30’s; parallels of the development of the mentioned chronological periods are drawn, and the hypothesis of combining both periods in one genesis with the possibility of its further development is proved. The systematization and analysis of individual works of constructivism is carried out in chronological order, socio-economic factors that contributed to the emergence of fundamentally new architectural tendencies are considered. The research paper points out the difference between constructivism and foreign trends similar with their pragmatism.
The architecture of public buildings in Kyiv of the 1960’s – 1980’s actively absorbed the best ideas of heritage of the 20’s-30’s, while enriching the architectural science with a large number of new ideas that greatly exceeded the possibility of their realization. Unlike the previous period, the architects of the 60’s had little knowledge of the work of their foreign colleagues, while their works were quite competitive at the world level, which confirms the uniqueness of domestic modernism. The research paper pays due attention to author’s works. Many of the iconic public buildings of the 1960’s – 1980’s remain the masterpieces of architectural art due to the personal qualities of their authors. In addition to the common stylistic features, each author’s work has its own unique details, which together complement the treasury of domestic architecture.
To date, the legacy of the Soviet avant-garde is widely recognized abroad. Its unrealized ideas are actively used by architects around the world, but still remain forgotten in their homeland. In this study, both chronological periods are united into one genesis as a proof of the sustainability of the style that has been improved over the years; and the assumption of its continuation after the overcoming of crisis phenomena is expressed, which is typical of stylistic development. However, today, the legacy of the Soviet avant-garde needs careful research to save it for future generations, which is the main task of this research paper.
Keywords: constructivism, public buildings, stylistic features, functionalism, avant-garde modernism, industrial construction, innovations.
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