The purpose of the article is to study and substantiate the key directions of the problems of the choice of a system of management of the policy of innovative development of the urban complex. The necessity of determining the principles upon which the problem of choosing the system of management of the city's (city) policy of innovation development should be solved is proved.
The organizational and legal basis of the management system for the development of the city complex, which consists of the Constitution of Ukraine, the Laws of Ukraine "On Local State Administrations", "On Local Self-Government in Ukraine," Decrees of the President of Ukraine, resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
It is determined that the city complex, as a complex multi-elemental dynamic organizational and economic system, requires a comprehensive approach to solving the management problem. The model of the information management system developed for the development of the city complex was developed, which became part of the plans of economic and social development of the city of Kharkiv in the form of targeted programs.
The proposed model consists of two parts: upper (I block) and lower (block II). The upper part of the city complex management system consists of general information relating to the management system. These are legal and legal provisions, legislative provisions, norms. The bottom part of the city complex management system is information that relates specifically to this object of management.
The proposed concept considers the city complex as a kind of corporation of the population. The basis of corporate governance is contractual relations between local governments with the population, managers of enterprises, organizations and institutions based on the interests of the parties. The structure of the economy of the territorial formation (urban complex) gives an idea of the interconnections of its components. The method of solving the problems of management of the system of innovative policy of scientific and technical development of the city (urban complex) is proposed based on the integrated use of materials of the upper and lower parts of the system. To solve a specific control problem, an algorithm for the solution, the necessary data and policy documents (from the upper part of the system), necessary specific information (from the bottom) are developed.
The conclusion is based on the fact that the basis of the decision of the problem of the choice of the system of management of the policy of innovation development of the city complex should be based on conceptual principles that are in line with the strategy and principles of formation and criteria of effective management of territorial entities, taking into account their economic nature.
Keywords: city functions, city complex, business entities, local self-government, corporate governance, quality of life.
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