The article is devoted to solving an important scientific and practical task for the definition of a system of indicators that influence the results of an integrated assessment of investment attractiveness of fuel and energy enterprises. Summarizing existing theoretical and methodological provisions, considered methods and models proposed to assess the investment attractiveness to apply an integral approach. To develop the stages of its formation and implementation in the work, a system of indicators has been formed and built, the selection of which is carried out by applying the expert estimation method.
As a result of the study, the necessity of applying the integrated assessment of investment attractiveness of fuel and energy enterprises was determined, a set of indicators used for the integrated assessment of the investment attractiveness of fuel and energy enterprises was developed, their characteristics were presented. As a result of the study, a set of indicators was used to assess the investment attractiveness of fuel and energy enterprises: financial status, security, spatial, investment status, which determine the level of development of investment infrastructure and the directions of operation of fuel and energy enterprises.
In the system of integrated assessment of investment attractiveness of fuel and energy enterprises, particular importance is taken by indicators of the financial state, namely: characterizing the property status (growth rates of current assets, coefficients of suitability of other non-current assets, suitability of fixed assets); liquidity (maneuverability of own working capital, coverage ratios, rapid liquidity, absolute liquidity, share of working capital in assets, share of inventories in current assets); financial sustainability (coefficient of financial autonomy, attraction of own funds (financial dependence), maneuverability of own capital, ratio of borrowed and own funds); business activity (return on assets, turnover rate of accounts receivable, turnover rate of accounts payable, turnover rate of stocks, coefficient of turnover of assets, turnover of equity); profitability (profitability of sales, profitability of assets, profitability of own capital, profitability of fixed capital).
The proposed indicators allow developing an approach to assessing investment attractiveness and form the basis for decision-making for further research on the development of a methodological approach to the integrated assessment of investment attractiveness of fuel and energy enterprises.
Keywords: investment attractiveness of fuel and energy enterprises, estimation of investment attractiveness of fuel and energy enterprises, integral estimation
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