
  • O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv


In the article are considered the problems of the formation of carcinogenic admixtures in the process of disinfection of drinking water and the scientific and technological substantiation of reduction of carcinogenic admixtures of drinking water at disinfection with its chlorine is given.

The practical application of chlorine and chloric reagents concentrated in the water supply and sewage treatment facilities of the country is complicated by a number of necessary measures to ensure safety during the operation and storage of these potent poisonous substances, numerous operations for thorough cleaning, dosing and introduction of the oxidant into treated water.

The presence in the water of these compounds worsens its organoleptic characteristics, causes its high color, deterioration of taste and smell and negative impact on the human body.

Toxic, mutagenic, carcinogenic and substances containing chlorine are formed by chlorination of natural and sewage waters with the presence of humus and other organic substances, especially acetyl and diketone groups.  On this chlorination comes from 1 to 10% of chlorine, which is spent, mainly on water treatment.

It was established that the treatment of water with activated solution of coagulant allows to increase the adsorption capacity of aluminum hydroxide formed during the process of water purification, as a result of which the processes of water purification are intensified, the adsorption capacity of coagulation structures is more fully utilized, as evidenced by electron microscopic studies. Special electron microscopy studies performed using the
EM-200 electron microscope showed that ferromagnetic aqua complexes increase the adsorption capacity of hydroxides and other compounds of reagents, which contributes to more intensive removal of volatile halogen-containing compounds and other carcinogenic

Keywords: chlorine disinfection, drinking water, activated reagents, coagulation, adsorption capacity, carcinogenic admixtures.

Author Biography

, O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

канд. техн. наук, старший викладач



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How to Cite

(2018). CARCINOGENIC ADMIXTURES OF DRINKING WATER. Municipal Economy of Cities, (144), 71–75. Retrieved from