


methods, energy efficiency, traction power supply, traction substations, information technologies


In the paper the general methodological approach of the directed choice of technology of increasing energy efficiency of traction networks and feeding lines of power systems by increasing the voltage of energy transmission to the consumer and minimizing the "medium energy path" is developed.

The method of analysis, calculation and modeling of basic electrical parameters and indicators of powertrain networks and power lines of power systems is developed.

The scientific principles of increasing the efficiency of modes in electric systems with traction loads, which are based on the multilevel voltage and reactive power regulation method and the principles of choice of type of adjustable compensation devices, are developed.

The method of analysis, calculation and modification of basic electrical parameters and indicators of traction power supply system of direct and alternating current for different power supply schemes of multi-track areas and complex organization of trains considering feeding lines of power systems is developed. The method is based on the theory of graphs, probability, dilute matrices, and the method of finite elements and the magnetic circle. This ensures the definition of the main parameters and indicators of traction power supply system in research and design in normal, forced and emergency modes of operation and allows to identify new patterns of influence of factors on the energy efficiency of electric traction.

It is suggested to increase the energy efficiency of non-homogeneous networks by introducing rational power of transverse and longitudinal compensation devices or automatic switching to console power supply networks. It is established that the use of a distributed compensation system in the traction network and the joint use of longitudinal compensation devices in the suction line and devices for automatic voltage regulation of the transformer under load can reduce losses in the traction network.

Author Biographies

I. Domanskiy, O.M. Beketov National University of Municipal Economy in Kharkiv

Doctor of Technical Sciences,  Associate Professor of Department

O. Kozlova, O.M. Beketov National University of Municipal Economy in Kharkiv

senior lecturer


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How to Cite

Domanskiy, I., & Kozlova, O. (2019). METHODS OF ANALYSIS OF TRANSMISSION AND ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION MODES IN ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS WITH TRACTION LOADS: Array. Municipal Economy of Cities, 1(147), 158–168. Retrieved from