


construction, urban construction and economy, engineering education


The urgency of the topic is determined by the lack of full national research in the field of specific features of urban development as a sphere of activity, as well as the current situation of urban education in general, which many researchers define as a crisis and requires immediate transformations. The boundaries of this research are various aspects of studying the professional activities of professionals involved in the decision of urban planning and planning tasks. Immediately we will declare that active discussions about the actual name of this kind of activity. The question of the institutionalization of professional activity (institutionalization, in the broadest sense, is accepted by us as the transformation of a distinct system of obtaining and processing knowledge into an organized orderly process with a fixed structure of relations, the nature of relationships, rules of conduct) in recent decades have become the subject of active discussions in works devoted to various social institutes and types of social activity. Obviously, this is due to the high need for coordinated positive development of diverse in scope and value of knowledge systems, which in the last 10-20 years have received a qualitatively new character of development and require the development of mechanisms that provide an organic combination of key principles laid down even in Soviet times, and the latest achievements of each particular research direction. Taking into account the foregoing, it is expedient to determine the urgency of the issue of improving the training system for specialists in the gas industry of urban construction. In Ukraine, the preparation of specialists in the planning of cities and territories is considered as an independent socio-cultural phenomenon that arose on the basis of architectural and engineering education, but at the present time it acquired its own professional boundaries.

Author Biographies

O. Zavalnyi, O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

Ph.D., Associate Professor of Department

K. Viatkin, O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

Ph.D., Associate Professor of Department

T. Chernonosova, O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

senior lecturer of Department

R. Viatkin, O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

graduate student


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How to Cite

Zavalnyi, O., Viatkin, K., Chernonosova, T., & Viatkin, R. (2019). CONCEPT OF TRAINING PROFESSIONALS IN THE FIELD OF THE CITY CONSTRUCTION BUILDING: Array. Municipal Economy of Cities, 1(147), 264–268. Retrieved from