problems of doing business, financial resources, unemployment, social problems, zoo-cityAbstract
The article discusses possible problems in doing business today, the importance of enterprises for the state economy and the impact of doing business in Ukraine. The following issues were considered: insufficiently skilled and knowledgeable staff, imperfect state regulatory policy for business entities, high tax rates and the main problem - the lack of financial resources. Proposed ways which will help to solve the unemployment problem in Ukraine, including number of social problems. Today in the city of Kharkiv and other large cities of Ukraine, the problem of homeless animals is a topical issue. In order to solve this problem, proposed to organize a zoo-city, the main idea of which is the shelter, which will be provided through enterprises on the zoo-city. They will be obliged to provide a percentage of the monthly income and provide material assistance and their services. Creation of this zoo-city promotes a significant reduction of homeless animals, creation of additional workplaces at the enterprises. Solving such social problems as: homeless animals, unemployment through the zoo-center, as well as the active dissemination of the public spirit will significantly improve the city and will stimulate the country's further development. We need to support entrepreneurs and enterprises, because the development of the economy of any state, namely ours, depends on the functioning and development of enterprises, cooperation with other countries, etc. Problems of doing business arise from small problems that gradually, step by step, turn into big and global problems. The problem of unemployment is a consequence. World experience proves that today, without the development of various forms of entrepreneurial activity and the functioning of enterprises, further development of the economy is impossible. Thus, the solution of any social problem is the key to the success and development of our state.
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