

  • V. Novobranov Kharkiv national university of civil engineering and architecture
  • G. Zhylyakova Kharkiv national university of civil engineering and architecture
  • O. Davydenko Kharkiv national university of civil engineering and architecture


motivation, marketing research, strategy, integration, criteri


The economy of Ukraine is increasingly oriented to the EU market. In this regard, the problem of choosing a business partner and, in particular, selling products of the construction industry enterprises is becoming more and more relevant.

European experience in this area was used.

The following areas were considered:

  • organization and structure of enterprises,
  • financial information system,
  • selection and preparation of technical and managerial personnel,
  • choice of a form of business cooperation,
  • choice of a labor market,
  • use of western experience in this direction,
  • quotas and demand issues.

These areas would allow orienting in the choice of a business partner and intensifying the channels of realization of the products in the potential markets of the European Union.

The questions of creating a plan for motivating enterprises in the pursuit of the European market are highlighted.

The problems of logistics in promotion of products of construction industry enterprises to the European market are considered.

All this allows us to orient in the choice of a business partner, a place of realization of the products and  sales volumes taking into account demand, prices, existing quotas for some kind of products and production capacities of the building industry itself.

Author Biographies

V. Novobranov, Kharkiv national university of civil engineering and architecture

Ph.D., Associate Professor

G. Zhylyakova, Kharkiv national university of civil engineering and architecture

senior lecturer of Department

O. Davydenko, Kharkiv national university of civil engineering and architecture

Ph.D., Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Novobranov, V., Zhylyakova, G., & Davydenko, O. (2019). KEY COMPONENTS OF MOTIVATION OF THE UKRAINIAN CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES IN THEIR PURSUIT OF THE EUROPEAN MARKET: Array. Municipal Economy of Cities, 2(148), 63–66. Retrieved from