


territorial development of land use of regions, geo-factor modeling, united territorial communities, geospatial information, integral criterion.


The purpose of the article is to study the problem of the territorial development of land use, which allowed to build an informational system of territorial development of land use by applying geoinformation technologies and the results of determining the corresponding integral criterion and geo-factor modeling and to propose a technology that includes a set of interrelated stages, methods and models, to determine the state and trends of regional development transformations at the regional level, taking into account changes in the space s, urban development, investment and environmental factors.

Thus, as a result of the research it is determined that the system of territorial development of land use has been solved and solved the problem, which made it possible to construct an informational system of territorial development of land use by applying geoinformation technologies and the results of determining the corresponding integral criterion and geo-factor modeling, and to propose a technology that includes a complex of interactions Staged stages, methods and models, to determine the state and directions of the transformations of territorial development on the river hionalnomu level, taking into account changes in spatial, urban planning, investment and environmental factors.

The system of informational and analytical support of integrated estimation of the use of lands of united territorial communities on the basis of changes in spatial, urban, investment and environmental factors, data on the application of geoinformation systems, which allows to form a complex of monitoring activities, to ensure the quality and completeness of technical information that is used in system of land use.

Author Biographies

K. Mamonov, O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

A. Rudomakha, O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

graduate student of Department


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How to Cite

Mamonov, K., & Rudomakha, A. (2019). FEATURES OF TERRITORIAL DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL LAND USE: Array. Municipal Economy of Cities, 3(149), 113–118. Retrieved from https://khg.kname.edu.ua/index.php/khg/article/view/5424