transverse force, construction standards, pre-stressed elements.Abstract
Various models and relevant methods of calculating transverse force effects on bending reinforced concrete elements have been considered, allowing to take into account the properties of materials, the effect of pre-stressing, the action of longitudinal axial compressive or tensile forces, as well as options for improving the basic calculation method have been studied. It is assumed that it is possible to disregard the contribution of concrete to the resistance to the action of transverse force with appropriate reinforcement, despite the contradiction between this assumption and international construction standards and calculation methods. The advantages of the calculation model adopted by the ACI standards (USA), and the options for its continuous improvement in connection with the neglect of some significant factors have been determined. The Multi-Action model is a part of this methodology, which allows to accurately determine the contribution of concrete to resistance, depending on the dimensions of the compressed section flange. Its application is of high relevance for conventional and pre-stressed elements, regardless of the reinforcement option. The ability to determine the bearing capacity of the bending elements against cut by the sum of the resistance of concrete and the resistance of transverse reinforcement is confirmed both theoretically and by in-situ experiments.
The results of the practical calculation of beams against the action of transverse force by the considered methods have been compared. In conclusion, relevant outcomes have been presented regarding the magnitude of the contribution of concrete compared with the bearing capacity of transverse reinforcement. Such results can lead to positive outcome for building companies and could be easily implemented by using these calculation methods.
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