electric car, electric motor, specific indicator, traction battery.Abstract
Almost every day the word "electric car" is mentioned in the news bulletins, as well as in the official statements of major automakers concerning the introduction of electric vehicles into their range.
In addition, the ecology, which is increasingly paying attention in recent years, also positively characterizes the electric car in comparison with classic cars with an internal combustion engine. Climate change and the use of fossil natural resources lead to a change in the policy of states in the field of climate protection and energy.
According to expert estimates, after 2050 oil production will be possible only with the use of very significant technical efforts, in this connection, many automobile companies are actively engaged in the development of alternative power supplies and electricity, to date, is one of the main directions of development.
A large number of foreign companies invest in the development of electric vehicles. As a result, in conjunction with scientific studies, there is a gradual modernization of already existing prototype electric vehicles, new technologies are created and opportunities for their further application in life.
In the framework of the study, the author analyzed in detail the statistics of changes in the structure of the vehicle fleet transporting people. The energy characteristics of electric vehicles are analyzed and the method of estimation of energy efficiency is considered.
Current methods for assessing the energy efficiency of a vehicle with an electric traction motor have the purpose of assessing the stock of electric vehicles rather than assessing its energy efficiency.
Therefore, the actual direction of research in the direction of creating an energy efficient vehicle is the development of a method that will allow comparing different designs of vehicles with electric traction motors and provide the minimum energy to be consumed during operation regardless of its modes of movement.
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