


magnetometric converter, media, magnetically sensitive element, magnetic flux, intensity of magnetic field, sensor.


On the basis of universal an idealized two-dimensional mathematical model magnetometric converter, who is treated as a pair of  « magnetic media - magnetic the sensitive element» analytic expression of magnetic flux in the magnetic the sensitive element when longitudinal and transversal magnetization. These expressions for the specified parameters  µr, µh, λ, a, d, b and the magnitude of the magnetic induction Brm allows to calculate the output magnetic flux magnetically sensitive elements,  therefore, and output electrical signals magnetometric converter. In accordance with the ratios of the magnetic flux in the core of the magnetically sensitive element with the ultimate thickness and magnetic flux in the core with infinite thickness    expect such an important parameter of the magnetically sensitive element as appropriate thickness.

The paper considers the principle of torque sensor, reverse sensor path and the proposed non-contact sensor relocation mechatronic vehicle systems, in which the applied technical solutions on the basis of magnetometric converters. They have magnetic media are implemented in the form of two spiral paths of magnetic labels, the scale of the core permanent magnets, the scale of magnetic labels with polarity, alternating, but as magnetically sensitive elements used miniature magnetic modulator and ferroprobe combined head read.

Author Biography

M. Smirnyi, O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor


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How to Cite

Smirnyi, M. (2019). MAGNETOMETRIC CONVERTERS INFORMATION-MEASURING SYSTEMS FOR VEHICLES: Array. Municipal Economy of Cities, 5(151), 2–7. Retrieved from