municipal solid waste, recyclables, recycling, closed-loop economics.Abstract
The article discusses the global environmental problem of municipal solid waste accumulation and disposal in Ukraine. The disposal of waste in the environment causes pollution of soil, surface, water and atmospheric air. In turn, this affects people's health and their quality of life. The relevance of the issue promotes research in the field of waste management. The purpose of the article is a comprehensive analysis of the current state and search of tools for the formation of effective mechanisms of municipal solid waste management in Ukraine.
Now in Ukraine the vast majority of waste (about 94 %) is stored in specially designated territories – municipal solid waste landfills. One part of the landfill requires certification and does not meet environmental safety standards, the other part is long overcrowded and requires reclamation. A small proportion of municipal solid waste (about 2 %) is burned at special plants. The method makes it possible to reduce waste volumes and generate heat for public utilities, but leads to air pollution by toxic substances. The leading countries of the world have proved that the priority direction of the waste management system is their recycling to obtain marketable products. Burning and disposal should be kept to a minimum.
In order to solve the problem of municipal solid waste, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in 2017 approved the National Waste Management Strategy in Ukraine until 2030. The National Waste Management Strategy is based on the following principles: adherence to the European waste hierarchy; full reimbursement of waste management costs; implementation of the principle of extended producer responsibility, including with regards packaging waste and waste of electrical and electronic equipment; implementation of mechanisms of inter-municipal cooperation on the objects of municipal solid waste management; separate collection of municipal solid waste. This will allow integrated approach to the issues related to the collection, recovery and disposal of municipal solid waste. The reuse of materials and efficient methods of recycling different types of waste will not only reduce the amount of landfilled waste, but also make some economic profit.
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