street-road network, eco-settlement, video ecology, safety principle, ecological principleAbstract
The article discusses the basic principles of designing a street-road network of eco-settlements, as well as analyzes the foreign and domestic experience of their design. As a result, it was revealed that the main goal of the design of the road network is to ensure consumer requirements for movement and access to real estate, creating a safe and favorable environment for people to live, which can be achieved by following a number of principles: the videoecological and aesthetic principle, which in providing an attractive, ergonomic, aesthetically and psychologically sound visual appearance of the road network, engineering and construction the principle based on ensuring a competent engineering approach when designing the road and street network, the safety principle, which is based on ensuring traffic safety through the construction of lighting devices, proper road coverage, warning of imminent danger, organization of ditches and competent helioplastic of the road space, and also the environmental principle of minimizing environmental impact. Thus, as a result of the analysis of existing eco-settlement projects in Ukraine, Europe and the USA, it becomes clear that only a few of them comply with all the necessary principles for designing a road network. For the most part, they are based on principles related to environmentally sound pressure on nature and the use of natural materials, not taking into account important social and psychological aspects.
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