


acoustic emission, time series, identification, emergency, fractal analysis


Acoustic radiation from an emergency situation zone in the frequency range 1-25000 Hz has been experimentally investigated. As a result, a set of time series and amplitude-frequency characteristics of acoustic signals has been formed. The number of samples taken in a series of samples recorded every 22 microseconds is in the range from 0.7 • 106 to 1.5 • 106 with a signal to noise ratio of at least -106 dB. A fractal analysis of the accompanying acoustic radiation was carried out based on the dependence of the normalized sample size on its length. The article presents the values of H for 4 types of materials that are subject to decomposition and destruction as a result of a chemical oxidation reaction. For each material, 3-5 experiments were carried out to record acoustic radiation with samples of the same mass and close in geometry and volume. The dependences and linear approximation of R/S on the number of time samples n for each type of material under study have been given.

The possibility of automated processing of acoustic signals from the emergency situation zone and identification by the dependences of the numerical indicators of Hurst (H) has been established. In the article, high convergence of the obtained experimental results was shown. In addition, as a result of experiments, a hypothesis was put forward on the influence of the molecular structure of a substance that undergoes destruction and decomposition as a result of a chemical oxidation reaction on the Hurst index H.

The primary digital processing of the obtained spectrograms of acoustic vibrations from the emergency zone was carried out using ready-made computer programs and software specially developed by the author. The possibility of hazard identification from the emergency zone has been proven fundamentally.

Author Biography

A. Levterov, National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine

Ph.D., Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Management and Organization of Activities in the Field of Civil Defense


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How to Cite

Levterov, A. (2019). IDENTIFICATION OF A TECHNOGENIC EMERGENCY ON THE ACOUSTIC RADIATION OF A HAZARD ZONE: Array. Municipal Economy of Cities, 5(151), 100–106. Retrieved from