


competence, quality of education, criteria, reform, competence, mathematical competence


The quality of education is an integrated concept that includes several definitions, depending on the angle of consideration of the problem and relies on the high level of professionalism and the developed pedagogical competencies of the teacher. The list of criteria by which the quality component and the competence of a teacher of a higher educational institution and the formation of students' mathematical competencies can be assessed in the European educational space can be assessed. In the system of vocational education, such forms of study organization are used that meet the student’s own desire to learn and ensure the development of professionally important qualities of a future specialist. The implementation of this process depends on the learning motivation of students, their activity and independence in obtaining knowledge.

The article deals with the definition of mathematical competence. The educational and methodological support of the educational process is one of the main factors in the training of future specialists with a high level of professional and social competences. It is stated that mathematical competence contributes to the formation of a well-developed personality. The professional competence of the teacher today dominates among the important factors for ensuring the development of quality education. The author considers what categories of personality are needed to form mathematical competence. The essence of these categories is revealed. It is stated that the development of mental actions is one of the directions of the formation of the mathematical competence of students. The teacher's actions in the course planning and managing the students' potential development are indicated, as well as strategies to use in the solving creative tasks process. It has been analyzed what technologies should be used by teachers to implement the process of students' creativity.

Author Biography

L. Nalyvayko, Ukrainian Medical Dentistry Academy



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How to Cite

Nalyvayko, L. (2019). THE FORMATIONS OF FORMING MATHEMATICAL COMPETENCES OF STUDENTS: Array. Municipal Economy of Cities, 6(152), 79–83. Retrieved from