

  • T. Zhydkova O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv
  • S. Chepurna O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv
  • J. Gribalsky Committee on accessibility of persons with disabilities Ministry of Regional Construction All-Ukrainian Non-Governmental Social and Political Association "National Assembly of People with Disabilities of Ukraine"


equal opportunities, inclusivity, people for disabilities, low-mobility groups, universal design principles, accessibility of entrances in a building.


The article shows the analysis of domestic and foreign sources conducted at the Department of Urban Construction O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv on ensuring accessibility of people with disabilities and low-mobility groups to the entrances in a building and the elevator hall, as well as design developments in accordance with national standards. Several variants of design solutions are offered for new construction. The presented options show the possibility of a flat entry device to the first floor and to the elevator hall in the new building.

Such solutions are often used in cases where the basement floor is used for non-residential premises of various purposes for carts, bicycles, shared condominiums, workshops, etc. In this case there is no need for passage under the staircase, there is no basement march, the ground floor is located in ground level, it is only necessary to provide space for maneuvering at the entrance to the elevator, the standard dimensions of the elevator cabins, tactile and text marks in accordance with the regulatory requirements. To determine the direction of movement to the front door, some orientation tools are used. At the same time, the direction of movement does not necessarily have to be indicated by tactile tapes. This role is played by any edges of horizontal surfaces; such as curbs that enclose flower beds near the porch.

According to the new DBN, in the construction of residential and public buildings, it is necessary to apply the principles of universal design, providing all the entrances and exits of the building, including evacuation, into the ground level without the device of the porch.

The application methods of accessibility to the entrances and the elevator hall will not increase, but also reduce the cost of housing construction, primarily due to the absence of porches with stairs, ramps, elevators, etc.


Author Biographies

T. Zhydkova, O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

Ph.D., Associate Professor

S. Chepurna, O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

Ph.D., senior lecturer 

J. Gribalsky, Committee on accessibility of persons with disabilities Ministry of Regional Construction All-Ukrainian Non-Governmental Social and Political Association "National Assembly of People with Disabilities of Ukraine"

NAIU Barrier-Free Ukraine Program Coordinator, Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Ensuring Accessibility of Persons with Disabilities Ministry of Regional Development


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How to Cite

Zhydkova, T., Chepurna, S., & Gribalsky, J. (2019). METHODS OF ACCESSIBILITY TO APARTMENTS DURING DESIGHNING NEW RESIDENTIAL BULDINGS: Array. Municipal Economy of Cities, 6(152), 136–143. Retrieved from