

  • N. Tsapko Research Scientific Institution "Ukrainian Research Institute of Ecological Problems"


cement, composition, synthesis parameters, radiation resistance, property, strength


The article analyzes the possibility of developing custom binders with a set of set properties. Particular attention is paid to the development of radiation-resistant barium-containing cements based on aluminates and barium silicates. In order to normalize the radiation situation in Ukraine, it is urgent to develop structural materials with specified high protective properties against the effects of radiation, a high degree of biological protection in combination with high strength and fire resistance. The main components of the technological parameters of synthesis of the presented cements are determined. Test results of physical and mechanical properties of refractory radiation resistant cements are presented and general recommendations on the scope of the developed binder materials are given. It is determined that the resulting refractory cement can be used as a bond in the manufacture of special concretes and materials that have high protective properties while exposed to high temperatures and radiation.

Thermal stability of concrete based on silicate alumobarium cement with different fillers was determined (cooling of the samples was carried out in air). As a result of the tests, it was found that all concrete specimens withstood more than 20 cycles (1000 ° C - air), while maintaining more than 80 % of the initial strength. These results confirm the known pattern: the higher the material density, the greater the material's ability to absorb radiation. Thus, the obtained data allow us to conclude that concrete based on silicate alumobarium cement have high absorption rates of brake radiation, which is more than 1.5 times higher than currently used concrete based on Portland cement. Therefore, it can be concluded that the concretes obtained are radiation resistant, with a high degree of attenuation of gamma rays and can be recommended as protective materials.

Author Biography

N. Tsapko, Research Scientific Institution "Ukrainian Research Institute of Ecological Problems"

Ph.D., Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Tsapko, N. (2020). RADIATION RESISTANT BINDING MATERIALS BASED ON SILICATE ALUMOBARIUM CEMENTS: Array. Municipal Economy of Cities, 1(154), 67–70. Retrieved from https://khg.kname.edu.ua/index.php/khg/article/view/5533