ecological safety, method for choosing environmentally sound wastewater technologies, settlement.Abstract
The article presents the results of the analysis of the main provisions of the concept of ensuring the ecological safety of settlements.
The requirements for the water disposal system as a component of safe water use in settlements are determined in accordance with the principles of sustainable development. Scientifically based criteria formulated as components of sustainable development - ecological, social and economic-technological. The technologies of ecologically safe water disposal are theoretically justified and proposed. The sequence of the gradual conversion of the water disposal systems of a specific locality into an ecologically safe one was determined by selecting priority technologies for water disposal. A multi-criteria multi-level hierarchy of the choice of ecologically safe water disposal technologies has been developed, which has allowed the ecological sustainable functioning of a water body as an element of the environment. The program-analytical method for selecting priority technologies for ecologically safe water disposal, including the method of analyzing hierarchies to improve the quality of the results obtained in the formation of the decision-making process for the ecological safety management tasks of a particular settlement, was substantiated and tested.
For specific localities, the priority of technology implementation was determined, the correct pairwise comparison was made with the achievement of the given level of consistency (ІY≤0.1 %). Based on this, it was determined that a reasonable choice for the implementation of priority technologies for ecologically safe water disposal can improve the ecological safety of eutrophic water bodies – sources of drinking water supply and recreational use and rise up the living conditions of residents of the settlements.
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