

  • К. Vyatkin O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv


suburban zone, suburbanization, theoretical and methodological approaches, urban planning, urban planning, urbanized systems, development of territories, urban planning factors


The purpose of the article is to substantiate the theoretical and methodological provisions for determining the role of the suburban area in the development of urban processes in modern socio-economic conditions. The article considers some aspects of social, economic, spatial and ecological development of suburban areas in the context of their use as factors in solving problems of urban development. Prospects for the development of suburban areas as a basis for the formation of suburbanization processes are determined. The paper defines the concept of "suburban area" taking into account the processes of urbanization. It is stated that this definition should be comprehensive, and not just take into account the location of the territory near the city. Identified current issues of urban development of large cities, allowed us to conclude about the relevance of suburbanization. The benefits of suburbanization processes were assessed by highlighting the "strengths" of suburban areas to ensure attractiveness among the population, and also identified the shortcomings of suburban development processes that inhibit suburbanization processes. Having analyzed the prospects for the development of suburbanization processes, their role in ensuring the sustainable development of urban processes is significant.

Author Biography

К. Vyatkin, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

PhD, associate professor


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How to Cite

Vyatkin К. (2020). THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL APPROACHES TO THE DEFINITION OF THE LAND MONITORING: Array. Municipal Economy of Cities, 3(156), 135–139. Retrieved from