human resources policy (HR policy), human resources management (HRM), institution of higher education (HEI).Abstract
There is a dearth of research in literature examining how people are managed in higher education institutions in Ukraine. This paper explores how universities manage their traditional personnel management system. The problems of formation of HR policy of the institution of higher education (HEI) in the context of its main directions are investigated. In the conditions of critical lack of financial resources, the organizational bases to increase the efficiency of application of HRM system in HEI are considered.
Our findings reveal some steps to help HEI in their long way to establish a modern HRM system. The basic perspective research directions which will allow implementing modern concepts of HRM in the academic environment are proposed. Among them are rejection of the paradigm student - graduate student - teacher within one HEI and assessment of scientific and pedagogical staff through 3 blocks: effectiveness; competence; potential for teacher development. The need and implications for future research are identified. The most perspective is the role of the positive OCB (Organisational Citizenship Behaviour) as a wide range of individual actions that go beyond assigned tasks because it is associated with constructive work that employees do of their own choice and benefits the company. As an effective motivational tool could be used the perception of the impact of different types of research and learning support by different categories of participants in the educational and scientific environment. It is also recommended to pay special attention to the creation of a high level of employee loyalty.
The insights from this study would be of value to the management of universities.
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