freight transportation, Рrincipal components, market of logistic services, warehousing, statistical estimation, factor analysisAbstract
The study identifies and substantiates the main factors influencing the development of the market of logistics services in Ukraine through factor analysis by the method of main components. The application of the method of factor analysis to assess the development of the market of logistics services is based on the assumption that the indicators of different blocks are only indicators of certain existing market characteristics that are not directly measured. 9 indicators were selected for the study: wholesale turnover of enterprises, retail trade turnover, volume of exports of goods, volume of imports of goods, hryvnia devaluation index against the US dollar, rail freight index, consumer price index for transport, consumer price index for fuel and lubricants, consumer price index for transport services.
Bartlett’s sphericity criterion and the calculation of the adequacy of the Kaiser-Mayer-Olkin sample were used for the study. It was found that the largest variance has such components as price indices for transport, fuels and lubricants, the volume of foreign and domestic (wholesale and retail) trade, which total 83.1%. The analysis of factors according to the received calculations is made.A study of factor analysis of the development of the market of logistics services showed that the segment of freight and warehousing logistics is not significantly affected by indicators combined in the component that characterized the price indices for transport, transport services, etc., is changes in domestic and foreign trade are greater impact on changes in the volume of these segments, regardless of changes in prices for services and related goods in the market of logistics services.
The selection of factors according to the proposed method allows to determine their influence, but does not fully clarify the mechanism of influence, so the direction of further research should be to identify hidden variables that determine the presence of statistical correlations.
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