

  • H. Mhaikel O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv


rehabilitation center for servicemen, design of rehabilitation center, medical complex, medical process.


The article considers the architectural features of the Center for Rehabilitation of Servicemen, as well as how to achieve barrier-free spaces in them. The article highlights the universal design of rehabilitation centers that meets the needs of people with disabilities. Implementing spaces as a "barrier-free" architecture at the level of engineering equipment, the architect must take into account the psychology of perception of space on the basis of interdisciplinary research;

  • The design of rehabilitation spaces "plays" with different textures, using different materials, "plays" with space, generating a figurative and semantic series of its perception, which inspires healing, hope;
  • The diversity and structure of the architectural environment of rehabilitation spaces allows people with disabilities to learn about the world through their various analyzers;
  • General universal design and individual design are closely related;
  • Creating a universal design can expand the ability of people of different abilities to acquire new knowledge about the world around them, using all possible feelings and skills;
  • It is necessary to go beyond traditional ideas, methodologically reveal the architectural relationship between man and the world in the system "nature-man-environment", and not just be limited by standards.

The architectural and design features of the Center for Rehabilitation of Servicemen are considered, as well as the mechanisms of achieving such spaces in them, which correspond to the barrier-free architecture and contribute to the rehabilitation technologies.

Highlights the universal design of rehabilitation centers, which meets the modern needs of both rehabilitation technologies and, of course, people with disabilities.

This article undoubtedly has scientific value, problem issues are revealed, the purpose of scientific research is defined. The article responds to the demand for interdisciplinary research: the issues of architectural formation of rehabilitation centers that meet interdisciplinary approaches to military rehabilitation, formation of such spaces and planning and functional structure that meet the needs of society and enhance the effect of rehabilitation are relevant.

It is possible to trace the definition of the rehabilitation center as a system: - design of the rehabilitation center, medical complex, treatment process. Based on the methods of analysis and modeling, the author reveals the implementation of rehabilitation spaces at the level of engineering equipment, as well as emphasizes the psychology of perception of the environment by the followers of rehabilitation as a socio-psychological phenomenon.

The diversity and structure of the architectural environment of rehabilitation spaces allows people with disabilities to learn about the world through their various analyzers; reveals a universal design on the way to rehabilitation, which expands the ability of people of different abilities to acquire new knowledge about the world around them, to use all possible feelings and skills.

Author Biography

H. Mhaikel, O.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv

PhD Student


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How to Cite

Mhaikel, H. (2021). DESIGN OF REHABILITATION CENTERS FOR VEHICLES AT THE BASIS OF UNBARRIOR ARCHITECTURE: Array. Municipal Economy of Cities, 1(161), 88–97. Retrieved from