

  • Y. Abramov National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine
  • V. Kryvtsova National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine
  • A. Mikhailyuk National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine


gas generator, control algorithm, fire prevention, test signal, pressure in gas generator cavity.


Algorithms for the control of the technical mill of gas generators in the systems of protection and supply of water, as an element of the systems of fire prevention. Algorithms for monitoring the dynamic parameters of gas generators of gas generators to control the flow and transmitting test signals to two types - from the viewer of the linearly growing function, or from the viewer of the straightforward view. One hundred percent before such test signals are broken down direct and indirect methods of control of the technical mill of gas generators in the systems of recovery and supply of water. It is shown that in the implementation of direct methods of control, no middle value of the parameters in the gas generators begins.

To such parameters, the transmission efficiency is applied and continuously for an hour, as they characterize the dynamic power of gas generators in the systems of securing and supplying water. When implementing indirect methods of control, the integral characteristics of gas generators begin. In the quality of the information parameters, which are used to formulate the control algorithms, vibrating the vice in the empty gas generator of any average value. The values ​​of these parameters are changed at two april given time of the hour, or at april given interval hour. In the quality of the criteria for the result of the control of the technical mill of the gas generators, the tolerance criteria are determined. It is shown that the priority in the vibration of the algorithm for the control of the technical mill of gas generators in the systems of gas generators and the supply of gas generators to the algorithm, which is based on the test signal in the form of a straight-flow gas generator. It should be considered that, when implementing such an algorithm, the control of the technical mill of gas generators in the systems of ensuring that the supply of vitality is kept to a minimum is minimal.

Author Biographies

Y. Abramov, National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine

Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor

V. Kryvtsova, National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine

Doctor of Engineering Sciences

A. Mikhailyuk, National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine

PhD, Senior Researcher


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How to Cite

Abramov, Y., Kryvtsova, V., & Mikhailyuk, A. (2021). TECHNICAL CONDITION CONTROL ALGORITHM GAS GENERATORS OF STORAGE SYSTEMS AND HYDROGEN SUPPLY IN THE CONTEXT OF THEIR FIRE PREVENTION: Array. Municipal Economy of Cities, 1(161), 284–289. Retrieved from