safety, occupational health, mineral wool, dust, construction, labor protection.Abstract
The use of modern thermal insulation materials in construction is one of the additional sources of harmful production factors and also lead to the formation of fine dust. To date, the risk of loss of health of workers in the construction industry in contact with mineral wool is little studied. To reduce the risk of health of workers in the construction industry, it is necessary to give a comprehensive assessment of harmful factors of the production environment when using mineral wool in the technological process and justify measures to improve working conditions.
The paper provides information on a widely used in the construction industry insulation material - mineral wool. Its chemical composition is given. The main unfavorable factors of the working environment are revealed.
In the construction industry, one of the most pronounced harmful production factors is the formation and release of dust, which is an aerosol of predominantly fibrogenic action.
The development of the construction industry, the introduction of new insulation materials in the construction of industrial buildings, installations and structures, as well as residential and public buildings lead to new, insufficiently studied factors of the production environment that affect the health of workers and may increase the risk of health loss. To date, information on the effects of mineral wool on the body of workers and the toxicological characteristics of different types of mineral wool are fragmentary.
The chemical composition of the dust determines the nature and severity of the adverse effects of dust. The dispersion composition of the dust determines the depth of penetration of particles into the respiratory organs of workers. The stability of dust particles in the air of the working area, their concentration, shape and duration of exposure determine the dust load and the risk to the health of workers. Dust particles can sorb on their surface other pollutants, which both in the complex and in isolation pollute the air of the working area and have an adverse effect on workers.
An important criterion for the safety of mineral wool under inhalation is the dispersion of the dust formed. It is generally accepted that the most dangerous mineral wool dust with a dispersion of 3 microns or less.
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