

  • O. Hubachov Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University
  • S. Sukach Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University
  • O. Chencheva Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University
  • N. Tsybulnyk Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University


industrial risks, accident, trauma, types of traumatic events, insured event.


The article is devoted to the problem of researching the levels of risks of insurance accidents and traumatic events using the component method. The study used data from the Social Insurance Fund of Ukraine on the content of the causes of insured accidents and types of traumatic events for the period 2017-2020. The existing system of labor protection management at the state and production levels in Ukraine is not effective enough and requires the selection of objective and effective methods for determining the quantitative characteristics of industrial risk. The main requirement for the results of quantitative assessment of industrial risks is the objectivity of the information provided on emergency situations. The study of the causes of incidents and the development of recommendations for reducing occupational risks for workers were performed. To increase efficiency, it is proposed to use the component method. The essence of this method is to compare the assessment data with the determination of the risk of traumatic event on the basis of averaging the distribution of risk on the indicators of risk-relevant information.

The study shows the universality of the component method of determining the levels of risk in enterprises of different industries, profile, level of automation, production volumes. The use of a component method for assessing the risk of traumatic events allows you to quantify the indicators of risk-relevant information and determine the distributed levels of industrial risks of 18 types of traumatic events. By comparing the risk distribution data obtained by the modified matrix and component method, it is shown that when the component method is used, the risk is distributed more evenly and closer to the causes of real injuries due to the leveling of such factors as subjectivity.

The study of the risks of insurance accidents and traumatic events using the component method showed a different picture: an increase in the share of organizational causes and a decrease in the share of psychophysiological and technical reasons, a decrease in the share of major events in general. This is observed against the background of declining industrial production and indicates a relatively high degree of wear and tear of means of production (machines, production lines, mechanisms), weak motivation of workers for personal safety, which requires improving the legal framework for occupational safety, introduction of progressive forms of compliance standards for parameters of microclimatic conditions in the work area - automation (temperature, dust, noise, vibration, concentration of hazardous and harmful substances). This will have a positive effect on the psycho-emotional state of employees.

Author Biographies

O. Hubachov, Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University

PhD, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department

S. Sukach, Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department

O. Chencheva, Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University

PhD, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department

N. Tsybulnyk, Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University

Senior Lecturer of the Department


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How to Cite

Hubachov, O., Sukach, S., Chencheva, O., & Tsybulnyk, N. (2021). INVESTIGATION OF RISKS OF INSURANCE OF ACCIDENTS AND TRAUMATIC EVENTS USING THE COMPONENT METHOD: Array. Municipal Economy of Cities, 4(164), 178–190. Retrieved from