natural capital, competitive advantages, economic development, innovative economy, green energy, breweries.Abstract
At present, the totality of global environmental and economic threats and challenges has put the world economic science in front of the need to find a new way of developing the world economy. The new model of economic growth must satisfy two main criteria: firstly, to find a qualitatively new direction of growth, and secondly, to ensure the preservation and improvement of the quality of the environment for human life, that is, to ensure new economic growth without negative consequences for the environment.
Many modern scientists see the solution of these problems in a relatively new direction in the economy, which has existed for just over 30 years - the "green" economy. Their opinion is shared by leading politicians and civil servants of the world's economic powers.
The directions of the "green" economy system are considered: introduction of renewable energy sources; improvement of the waste management system; improvement of the water resources management system; development of "clean" transport; organic farming in agriculture; energy efficiency in housing and communal services; conservation and effective management of ecosystems.
As a result of the analysis, key ones were identified directions in which the green economy is moving, systematized basic support tools that divided into price and non-price, in more detail characterized by price with the separation of financial tools that experts focus on international organizations for sustainable development. The main elements of the state are defined green growth strategies and analyzed the situation harmonization of the influence of developed countries on the development of "green" economy
An understanding of the essence and description of the goals of "green" technologies is proposed, which implies work not with the consequences, but with the causes of environmental problems. Considered the "green" experience of developed countries and global companies.
In conclusion, the author emphasizes that the concept of a "green" economy is an innovative development project, but to achieve sustainability it is necessary to use the experience of other companies. One of the main problems was noticed, this is the use of pseudo environmental friendliness by companies for their own commercial purposes.
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