coal, metamorphism, indicators, justification, mineral impurities, ratio, condition, dry, ashless, working, coal seams, mining, safety, regulatory framework, improvementAbstract
The article recalculates the quality indicators of coal for their working condition, taking into account the yield of ash and moisture content for coal seams, followed by an analysis of changes in the correlations between the indicators. The need to consider the fuel for its working condition is due to different end goals between establishing the consumer qualities of coal and the manifestation of the hazardous properties of coal seams. Different ultimate goals of the problems under consideration imply different ways of solving them, including differences between the influencing factors and their parameters.
The methodology provides for the achievement of the goal to use the initial experimental data that have been accumulated over several decades based on the experience of using coal for industrial purposes. The condition and quality of coal after its preparation for use differs significantly from the condition in the mining area. These differences are associated with the preliminary enrichment of coal and the removal of a certain amount of mineral impurities.
Based on conducted research out, the features of the choice of indicators of metamorphic transformations of coals were established, which are used in parallel, respectively, to establish the quality of fuel and predict the hazardous properties of coal seams. Discrepancies between the indicators of the degree of metamorphism used in the current regulatory framework for the safe conduct of mining operations and the state of fuel during mining operations in underground conditions are revealed. To improve normative documents on safe mining operations, it is necessary to consider indicators that characterize not only the organic (combustible) part of the fuel, but also the presence of mineral impurities and moisture in coals in the mining area.
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